Monday, September 28, 2009


Okay so i just found som website for my game idea.. it was a little hard to do without my partner and very boring but here they are..

...So did you like what you seen? there are a couple very cool websites that even I enjoy. There are some that might make a difference and a couple that are just interesting to read. so check them out or find your own. bye
My game is about the right to bear arms. I think people should be able to carry guns because there are crazy people out there and you will need to protect yourself somehow. It doesn't mean you are crazy or you are psycho to carry a weapon. It would be for your own safety to have one. These are my personal beliefs, but I believe our constitution guarantees this right under the second amendment.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

HELLO!! today is 9-17-09. I am in a very good mood because i finally got my fourth stage. I have been waiting for this for almost nine months. I am extremly tired. i didnt even get an hour of sleep. but ill be alright.We have to eat raisins for snack and drink only water. yuckie!! but thats all for today besides my son will be a month old monday!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hello! my name is tara and i am 17 with a lovely baby boy. today i am creating my profile and blogging. dont know much to say today so ill write more tomore. byeeeee